The "Royal Pond" - a jewel of the village


The Royal Pond is a beautiful place for rest and recreation. The river "Căldărușa" flows into it. In the past, the Pond was the largest in Moldova, with a surface of 400 ha. The villagers say that in 1852 the pond, which then had 300 ha, burst its banks, flooding a large part of the village's houses. The landlord Buznea gave about 200 lani to build a dam at the pond to maintain the water level. Then the pond dried up and was restored only in 1956-1957. Only 180 ha remained after reconstruction in 1970. 

On the right bank of the pond a strip of fir trees stretches out, inviting tourists with their shade, and thirst is quenched by the smooth, crystal-clear water of a spring called "La Cocostârc" (At the Stork). The "La Cocostîrc" spring is an attraction for the locals who installed a decorative Stork made of galvanised steel holding a mug in its beak. This ornament was donated by Mr. Gheorgii Bicec, physics teacher, inspector of the District Education Department in 1983. Thehe pupils of the gymnasium together with the inhabitants of the village planted trees and flowers there. 

The right bank embellishes the landscape with a hill called "Mill Hill". It is so called because there is a mill that belonged to the nobleman Buznea. It is said that after heavy rains water penetrated the hill's foundation, which slid taking the mill with it. From the Mill Hill we enjoy a magnificent view of the village and its surroundings. 

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