Monument to the Romanian Heroes


The Monument to the Romanian Heroes fallen in the First World War was erected in the interwar period and for the first time installed in the Balatina Public Garden. 

This monument was erected at the initiative of Nicolae Balcescu, Head of the Cultural Centre in 1937, "in memory of the Heroes who sacrificed themselves for Country, Nation, Throne and Faith". (Inscription on the front of the monument). 

On the front of the Monument, a little lower down, another text is inlaid: "Sleep, sleep in peace, immortal braves! ... from the sacrifice of your life will be born new life, for drops of blood like drops of dew, will revive the nation that raised you, brave fallen, immortal heroes!... ". The names of fallen heroes of the First World War are inscribed on the left, right and back. 

After the establishment of Soviet power in 1940, the monument was transferred to the current Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God in Balatina, where it has been preserved until 2021. 

In 2021, at the request of the citizens, the monument to the fallen heroes of the First World War was relocated to the centre of the village. 

The monument was transported and restored. The wooden cross, which had originally been fixed, looked like a tree trunk, symbolising the tree of life and carrying strong spiritual implications, expressing harmony between the Divine and the mundane, Heaven and earth, Creator and Creation. The symbol that best expresses the phrase "on earth as it is in heaven". 

But as the wooden cross has been damaged over the years, the top of the "hat" and the cross were replaced with stone elements from Cosăuți. The 5 stone blocks that form the monument itself have been relocated to their present place.