Draghiște River


The hydronym Draghiște, according to the late scholar Ion Dron, is old, of Daco-Getic or old Romanian origin and passed through the Slavic lineage - draga (Bulgarian, Serbian, Slovenian), draha (Czech), droga (Polish), meaning in these foreign languages - "a strait, a gorge, a dip (in relief), a place where water drains, a valley and even a road; a path". 

There are other explanations for the name Draghiște. Many ask the question: why does the stream have such a beautiful name? And the explanation comes quickly, like water. It must be from something or someone dear. This version is confirmed by the stories. 

Legend has it that two young people wove their love affair on the banks of the Draghiște, and the locals, delighted by their story, gave it the name of the water that washed their village. The love of the villages on the banks of the Draghiște for the fairytale place with which they were blessed by the One Above. And it is impossible not to love this corner of the world! And you can't help but love and cherish the jewels that steal your heart! 

Draghişte, by the way, starts near the village of Romacauti, Chernivtsi region (Ukraine) and is 67 kilometres long. The Draghiște crosses along the Trinca locality, where it starts from the Gura Stâncii (Cliff's Opening) on the pond (located towards Constantinovca), crossing through the Trinca Gorge towards the Burlănești locality.