Bison's Habitat


Near the village of Moara Domnească is the "Zimbrăria", a fenced-in forest site covering 32 ha, with 7 bison. 

The bison is the only species of wild animal in the bovine family that has survived to the present day. The bison has been a symbol of these lands since ancient times, thanks to its strength. They can grow up to 1.85 m tall, with males weighing between 440 and 920 kg, sometimes even more than a tonne. Females are smaller at between 360 and 640 kg. The body is covered with grey-brown fur. 

At birth the calves weigh between 16 - 35 kg. The age limit is considered to be 20 years. Bisons feed intensively before sunrise. They feed on plants that cover the forest floor. 

Alongside the live bison, tourists can admire various sculptures made of oak wood by artist Alexei Vidrașco. Among the sculptures, gazebos, an exhibition of exotic birds and an extraordinary stage where various cultural events take place, there is also the largest wooden work in the country, representing a five-metre high, seven-metre long bison, weighing about four tons. It is a tribute to this endangered species of animal. Visitors can climb the giant sculpture. 

"Calancea's Wolves", the famous bass guitar player, originally from Cuhnești village, carries out several of his projects here at the "Bison's Habitat".